What It Meant
Friends, Memoir, On WritingCyn Carbonememoir, friends, Whidbey Island, Seattle, Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights, wonder, Patricia Hampl
Exulting Somewhat
Memoir, Friends, Nature, Poetry, Quarantine DiaryCyn Carbonewalks, friends, Stanley Kunitz, poetry, The Layers, playing, saying yes, wonder
The Wonder and The Grief
Memoir, Friends, Ranch LifeCyn Carboneloss, friends, wonder, grief, poetry, art, memoir, eclipse
Not Making Sense
Friends, Memoir, Small Pleasures, Finding Hope, NatureCyn Carbonememoir, wisdom, friends, walks, Santa Barbara, Lompoc
Both Feet on the Earth. Walking
Memoir, Friends, Family HistoryCyn Carbonememoir, walking, hiking, friends, wisdom, my father, Annie Ernaux, Mary Oliver
Paper Piles and Files of Words
Memoir, Friends, Books and publications, Family History, PoetryCyn Carbonememoir, organization, Gaviota Writers, writing, files, friends, Jerry DiPego, Pablo Neruda, words, poetry, poem
We Came As We Always Were: The DMS Reunion
Friends, Memoir, Finding Hope, TeachingCyn CarboneDunn Middle School, teaching, friends, Los Olivos, memories, Treebeard, education, hope, reunions
Falling In Love With All of It
Finding Hope, Friends, Memoir, Nature, Ranch LifeCyn Carbonegratitude, poetry, Linda Gregg, Elif Shafak, friendship, writing group, memoir, reflection, being here, wisdom