Posts tagged life lessons
Memoir, Ranch Lifecynthiabereavement, Christmas, coping with loss, life lessons, my mother, coping, wisdom, Ranch life, Nancy Ward
Death...And Living
Commentary, Finding Hope, Friends, Memoircynthiabereavement, coping, death, elderly parents, life & death, life lessons, loss, Oliver Sacks, grief, Esther Carbone, living and dying
Maybe All of Summer Is Just One Day
Memoir, Ranch Lifecynthiaacoustic neuroma, aging, daughters growing up, Jane Gross, Jane Hollister Wheelwright, life lessons, loss, Pico Iyer, stillness, summer, tending to elderly parents, loss of parents, mother, decisions, my mother, wisdom
Through the Tall Grass
Memoir, Nature, Family History, Ranch Lifecynthialife lessons, loss, Dan Gerber, death, mortality, coyotes, poetry, processing loss, my mother, grief, Psalm, coping, wisdom, ranch life, coyote, ongoingness
Old Friends and Bicycles
Look Closely
Friends, Memoir, Naturecynthiafriends, Gaviota, life lessons, loss, Dorothy, poem, noticing, Dorothy Jardin, wisdom
I Think I'm Home