Just Walking to the Neighbors' House

sacate road

sacate road

cyn in canyon

cyn in canyon

headlamp face

headlamp face

A few days ago we walked along that familiar road to have dinner with the neighbors. The hills were glowing with the last remnants of afternoon sunlight when we started out, the road tired and dusty from a long hot day, and I heard the song of the canyon wren. We carried random offerings: heirloom tomatoes, homemade ice cream, and a bottle of Canadian ale with the hopefully-not-prophetic name of La Fin Du Monde. I love when we can walk someplace instead of driving. Getting there and getting back are as much fun as the event itself. Maybe even more so.

The grand finale was walking home in the dark. Monte wore a head lamp to illuminate our path, and I used the light of my cell phone. At one point we turned the lights out, stood quiet and still, and looked upward.  As I've said many times: still amazed.