My Sequestration Day

cyn and lupines

lupine hill

Sequestration seemed to be the word of the day, but I'm going with its other sense, i.e.,  a withdrawal into seclusion; removal or separation into solitude or retirement. That was me today.

And I know not everyone is lucky enough to have this option, but the way I look at it, if you're given a chance to remove yourself and go for a head-clearing walk, it's just plain foolish not to...right?

And I can now report, in case you haven't noticed, that local lupines are having a lucky year. They don't ask for much, these cousins of the pea, and they seem to do well in our sandy, rocky soil. But weather conditions must be just right too, because there are broad swaths of purple and blue on many hillsides that haven't had such gorgeous displays in the past, at least not in my memory.  I love how lupines find what they need and suddenly delight you.  

Anyway, I tromped around in some tall weeds and scratched up my legs pretty good. I observed a couple of turkey vultures circling the neighborhood, heard frogs singing, and maybe a lark. I seriously tried to think but came up with no new insights, other than that trying too hard to think usually leads to me to a blank.But maybe a blank can be a beginning?

Here's something special: just this very moment, through the open window, I am hearing the canyon wren.