Another Summer


I walked with our neighbors, their little girl, and a good dog named Badger straight up the hill behind their house. The little girl lost her hat in the wind, but she looked down and saw her very own roof from the sky's perspective, and the peaks and curves of the dusty world, and the blue of the horizon.

And I sat under an oak tree with my friend Cornelia, and she handed me a plum. It was a particularly juicy and delicious plum too, the kind of plum that sets a very high standard for all the plums to come.

The bedsheets I ordered are really too orange, but I've decided I like them anyway, and the Beaumont macadamia trees are beginning to  blossom, and someone gave me fresh eggs in a brown paper bag.  

I picked lemons and lavender, and I saw the coyote pups, and I heard about a mountain lion visit not far from here.  

There was a moon last night, waxing gibbous phase, and bright.