


Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the whole earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.  ~Thich Nat Hahn

For most of this day I was too bogged down to budge but finally decided to go over and see Margaret. I rode my bicycle, pushing it up the steeper hills, arriving hot and sweaty. I sat at the big table by the window and Margaret served me hot tea in a clear glass cup. I drizzled honey into it from a grooved wooden dipper, sipped it, stared into it, sipped it, stared into it. It was good, just sitting there drinking tea. The noise of the world receded, and a tiny fragment of the present clarified itself, and I began to sort of understand this whole thing about tea. It's a calming hiatus between courses of action, and something to do when you honestly don't know what to do next. It puts the pause on the worry, and the poem in the moment.