The Fox


This beautiful little being appeared one morning last week and graced us with her presence for awhile. Monte noticed her first. He came into the house with his finger to his lips to hush me, beckoned me outside, and pointed. There she was, leisurely skulking around, pausing at one point to raise her head, direct her nose upward, and conspicuously sniff the air. We stood and watched for a long time, then I ran inside to get my camera. By the time I returned and could snap this picture, she was, as you see her, walking away across the gravel driveway.I always feel blessed by such visitations from the wild, particularly a creature so gorgeous and elusive.

Naturally, I did a little internet reading afterwards about the symbolism of foxes. Legends from different cultures variously describe the animal as a guide, a messenger, and a protector, and words like wisdom and cunning come up again and again. One source reports that in Chinese lore, a fox sighting might represent a visit from the spirit of someone deceased. In any event, I knew it was an honor and I hoped she would return.

A few days later, Monte reported seeing her a little further from the house, strolling very confidently down by the garage. I read someplace that gray foxes eat whatever is available, from mice and rabbits, to fruit and nuts, even crickets in the summer -- so it seems to me that this would be a bountiful place for a fox to hang around, not to mention a natural solution to my rabbit problem. Apparently foxes are good foragers, and the only canid animal that can climb trees; they like brushy, woodsy areas and often make their dens in rocky crevices. We've got it all, right here. Even loquats! Little gray fox, you are welcome.