
whale spout

Three whales went by, one of them a calf,  and everyone looked seaward, transfixed. Even the surfers in the water stopped surfing, sat on their boards, and watched.

First came the tell-tale spouts...you can see one in the distance to the right in the not-so-good picture above.

Sometimes they were just large dark shapes, moving along swiftly and effortlessly, but now and again one would lift its front end high above the water, its body huge and majestic.

At other times, it was the tail that rose, beautiful to behold.

What is it about these creatures that inspires such wonder and respect? It really is like seeing God.

I stood on the beach with people I didn't know, all of us feeling blessed, giggling a bit, veering from gleeful and giddy to awestruck and quietly reverent.