Only Glimpses













This afternoon we set out on a quest, and a story unfolded...which I hope to tell you tomorrow when I am more inclined to write. In the meantime, a few images from the day: Look closely...beyond Jenny's sneaker. I was told by an authoritative man carrying binoculars that the tiny bird is a gold-crowned kinglet.

We were at the boat house at Prospect Park, in case you were wondering. And there above you see some patterns and forms...the herringbone stone, the hexagonal pavers, the copper lamp post on granite step. I remembered these details so clearly from my childhood, and there they still were. Long ago I sat on these steps with my brother Eddie, sipping a vanilla egg cream and digging for the prize in a box of Cracker Jacks. And I set off from here in a rowboat once with my best friend Carol and her Aunt Marie.

We heard the calliope music of the carousel, but it was open only for a private event, and the gate was shut, but I found the operator, an old Italian man. ("Neapolitan," he said.) I asked him if he would please, oh please, let me in just to show my friends the carving of the face of the wood carver's daughter. "You do know about the face...right?" I asked. Of course he did.

And you can see it in a photo above. Carved by Charles Carmel in 1912.

Next, of course, is Brooklyn's own version of a flatiron building...designed by Rosario Candela in Grand Army Plaza, a main entrance to Prospect Park.  Today was a summer-like day and everyone was out. I love knowing that new generations of children are still enjoying this park that meant so much to my siblings and me when we were kids in the 1950s.

Back at Jenny and Patrick's apartment, this pensive moment in the late afternoon. A bit Edward

Finally, just brick and brick reflections.

Next time, more words...something more akin to actual story....